How to Conduct a Successful Job Interview?

Sarah Olray

How to Conduct a Successful Job Interview?
How to Conduct a Successful Job Interview?

What can be more stressful than a job interview? Only the preparation for one. You don’t know how the employer will evaluate you or what exactly they will ask. Moreover, people often think they may forget something or can’t be clear about something, which reduces trust.

Still, a job interview is a chance to present yourself from a better perspective, tell more about your strengths, and show that your weaknesses are not so problematic. Moreover, people often overthink a job interview and create fake scenarios in their heads.

To help you avoid trouble and be well-prepared for your job interview, we will review the most common questions and give you some valuable advice.

Share your background

Interviewers like when candidates share their life stories as people give a complete recap of their life, starting from their university years and slowly moving to the career topic. Don’t focus on minor cases or funny stories: tell more about events that pushed you to become the specialist you are right now.

Explain why you selected exactly this role (you enjoy the working process, you want to upgrade your skills, you are a team player, etc.).

If you have some episodes, the interviewer should learn about them, skip them, and get to the point.

For example, if you want to join the uk essay writing service, tell about your journey as a content writer, how you decided to become an academic writing specialist, and explain your motivation.

How did you hear about this position?

Some people hate answering this question, but it’s also a part of the process, so stay calm. Understanding how people find their positions helps recruiters improve the candidate search.

Feel free to say it if you saw an ad on Instagram or if someone recommended joining the company. If you received a recommendation from someone, say their name.

Still, if you came to the company because of the recommendation, you may be asked how you know this person.

Again, don’t be afraid to tell. It may be your colleague, a college friend, or someone you talked with while traveling across the country.

If you find the position yourself, an interviewer may ask what exactly draws your attention (comfortable working conditions, extra bonuses, an opportunity to work in a team, etc.).

Here, you can say that your qualities perfectly match the company and its mission.

How do you act in stressful situations?

When working, you will deal with multitasking, help your colleagues, and manage your time to finish everything before the deadline. This puts pressure on you, even if you don’t feel it first. You have to deal with it, and the company that hires you wants to know how you are going to do that.

You can explain that you understand how stressful a working environment is, and you are working on yourself to stay calm and avoid panic. For example, if you realize that everything is going wrong, step back and analyze previous steps. Find out what went wrong and change the strategy.

Do you feel comfortable working in a team?

In almost every company, you will be a member of a team. Whether you are a software developer, a designer, or a writer who will do my assignment online, you will cooperate with others to get the job done. How to answer this question?

Be honest with yourself. Remember the previous experience and evaluate it. Was it comfortable? If not, what disturbed you the most? How productive were you when working in a team? How good was your connection with your colleagues?

Was it comfortable for you? You never know how to deal with the new team, so base your answer on previous experience.

How do you improve your skills and knowledge?

This question helps interviewers determine whether you are willing to improve yourself and become a better specialist. People who hold the position for a long time and don’t show progress won’t be effective in a team that wants to grow.

If you didn’t spend time specifically learning your topic, learning new skills, or practicing mastering something new, don’t be scared to answer. Say that you learned from your mistakes and found ways to improve your skills in the workplace.

Still, if you worked on yourself and spent time developing your skills, say precisely that. Don’t dive into details too much: Tell what courses you had or what literature you read, and it will be enough.

What are your salary expectations?

Do not focus on a specific number. Instead, tell the salary range you expect. You will leave room for negotiation and earn a chance to get a higher number than it might be.

Interviewers ask this question because the company has a limited budget for every position, and they need to know what to expect from candidates.

If you name a too high number, it will probably be a red flag for you. If it’s your first job interview and you are not ready to tell the exact range, search for the same role in other companies and see what they offer. After that, just tell the average number.

How to prepare yourself for the interview?

Below are some additional tips to help you stay confident during the conversation:

  • Arrive on time. Interviewers will appreciate your punctuality.
  • Think of your questions. You can ask about the company to understand whether it’s the right choice for you.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask personal questions. The information the company gets about you won’t be shared anywhere, so don’t be scared to provide all the information.
  • Don’t raise expectations. Candidates often think the first interview will be successful, but you never know how long it will take to get the desired job.
  • Focus on your strengths. An interview is an opportunity to present yourself, and you should do so convincingly.

Final Thoughts

A job interview is not as scary as it may look at first. The problem is that you never know what will happen next and how people will react to you. Well, you won’t find out until you come to the interview.

Still, you can feel more confident now when you know how to answer the popular questions. Moreover, it’s only the first part of the hiring process.

Who knows, maybe later, you will have one more interview with a team lead or a COO? Gain confidence, understand your goals, and give straight answers.

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